Understanding Lighting Direction

Understanding Lighting Direction

Part 4: Understanding Lighting Direction Lighting direction is about  the position of light source in relation to the subject. The scene and the photograph completely changes as the lighting direction changes i.e. the source of light is moved around the subject. We...
Understanding Lighting Size

Understanding Lighting Size

Part 3: Understanding Lighting Contrast Lighting size is the most important factor for lighting contrast, which in turn has an impact on tonal contrast, form and texture. Lighting size is pretty important and consequently requires a detailed discussion. The fact that...
Understanding Lighting Contrast

Understanding Lighting Contrast

Part 2:Understanding Lighting Color Lighting contrast is the topic of the third part in this series on photographic lighting. A light source has high lighting contrast if all of its rays strikes the subject at nearly the same angle. A good example is direct sunlight...
Understanding Lighting Color

Understanding Lighting Color

Part 1: Understanding Lighting Brightness Understanding lighting color is realizing the fundamental difference between the way the human eye and the camera perceives color. The eye can detect a very slight change in the color mixture, but the brain adjusts for this...
Understanding Lighting Brightness

Understanding Lighting Brightness

The word photography means, writing with light. Light is the raw material for any photograph and we want to understand how it works so we can take better photographs. We start this series with Understanding Lighting Brightness. The fundamental quality of light is its...

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