Top 20 of the Best NJ Wedding Venues

Top 20 of the Best NJ Wedding Venues

If you are getting married at any of the Best NJ Wedding Venues… I have an awesome wedding photography deal for you! If your wedding venue is like one of Top 20 Best NJ Wedding Venues but not included in this list… I wouldn’t want YOU to miss this...
Tips for Candid Photography at Weddings

Tips for Candid Photography at Weddings

Candid photography at weddings is fun not only for the bridal party and the guests but also for the photographer. A wedding a joyous occasion, where people get together to celebrate life. And have fun. And return with lots of happy memories. Throughout the day, the...
Wedding Photography on a Budget

Wedding Photography on a Budget

Being a professional wedding photographer it might seem strange that I should be publishing an article on wedding photography on a budget. After all I love clients with a big photography budget. On second thoughts, this is a professional responsibility to provide some...

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