How to Use Form in Photo Composition

How to Use Form in Photo Composition

The world around is us three dimensional. Our photographs are not. Successful photographs are those that make us feel otherwise. When we speak about depth in a photograph, among other things, we could be referring to the way in which the photographer has used form to...
How to Use Shape in Photo Composition

How to Use Shape in Photo Composition

What could be more obvious than shape? We identify things by the way they look like most of the time. A kid can recognize her parent from a distance without even making out the facial details or caring about the color of the dress. Shapes play a key part in...
How to Use Balance in Photo Composition

How to Use Balance in Photo Composition

A strong visual element in one part of the picture cries out for attention. It is a powerful element but you have to balance it with another element in a different part of the frame. The eye constantly tries to relate the less powerful balance element with the  more...

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