50th Anniversary Photography New Jersey [Ira and Sibdas]
Mousumi hired me for her parents’ 5oth Anniversary photography at New Jersey. It was on a beautiful day at their country style backyard. It was an intimate celebration. There were not too many guests – just close relatives and friends. Everyone was relaxed. The kids were having a great time playing in their large backyard and the adults where hanging out on the beautiful patio nibbling at tasty hors d’oeuvre spread out on large tables and savoring the mojito prepared and generously served by Archi – Mousumi’s husband.
I must say the funny pineapples were such a great idea! And everyone had a laugh about it.
The late afternoon light was ideal for photography and the greenery at the background provided beautiful bokeh. Some of the kids performed songs and music and then adults joined in. The party carried on and it made me picture a small Mediterranean village where folks gather around on afternoons like this to enjoy each other company over food and drinks.
Dinner was served and it was delicious. Typically I do not indulge in anything more than a mouthful while on assignment, however Mousumi would have none of that! My plate was heaped with food and it had to be cleaned up! After everyone got some time to allow the food settle, we gathered for the toast. The unruly bottle of champagne made a mini mess with Archi’s designer clothes. Then Mousumi said a beautiful toast to her parents’ 5oth anniversary.
The party was intimate but thought out to the last detail and of course to end it we had to have fireworks. Not like the ones for July 4. But sparklers and stuff like that everyone can have fun with! But it was the kids who had a blast with the fireworks more than anyone else.